Hair Color Enhancements

Color Your World

“The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you”

One Step Hair Color
Beautiful new color all in one step
Shades EQ Color Gloss / Shine
Focus Foils (face frame - 10 and under)$7 per foil
Partial Foil$85+
Foil Highlights$125+
Pintura Highlights$175+
Balayage / Ombre/ Color Gloss
Focused Highlighting technique
Balayage/ Ombre/ Color Melting
Melting three different colors into the hair
Color Melting Only$145+
Double Process Color$185+
Vivid Hair Color / Blue, Purple, Pink, and Greys
You don't want just color. Hair Color with depth, dimension, shine, and style.
Corrective Color$115 per hour
Brow Tint$25+

Please note that a 48 hour notice is required for cancelling or rescheduling an appointment. If less than a 48 hour notice is given, there will be a $50.00 cancellation fee. You will need to pay the fee prior to the scheduling of another appointment.